The legacy of Richard Lynn

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 31 August 2023 22:18.


Scientists who will not resile from their truths irrespective of the punishments imposed upon them by their professional Establishments or the heinous blackening of their life’s work and their reputation by the media are, perhaps unsurprisingly, a rarity these days.  But such was Richard Lynn, who has died at the age of 93.  His achievement is immense, his humanity is unbesmirched by the all too predictable dog-whistle reportage from the mainstream media.  The Telegraph, for example, reported that his work on comparative group IQ had been “debunked”, and quoted Flynn and Singapore (neither functioning rebuttals).  Lynn’s magazine Mankind Quarterly is considered by its critics to be “a cornerstone of the scientific racism establishment”.  Well, there’s a surprise.  I wonder what the ethnicity of these critics is.

Lynn’s real legacy will not be the bitter badmouthing of the anti-white factions who now command the centre.  It will be in the diffusion of his ideas among the great mass of thinking dissidents, some of whom turned up in the comment section of the DT obit (paywalled).  Here are a few excerpts:

A short walk from my front door and I witness human devolution in full swing.

Depending on the study, intelligence is 50-80% heritable, higher than many other personality traits. That is to say, the difference in intelligence between people is 50-80% due to genetic differences, passed on from parents to children. This is hard science and has nothing to do with racism, but the implications are studiously ignored because to study or discuss them is to commit career suicide.

People who refute his ideas are similar to religious zealots who refute that evolution exists at all.
“Yes there is evolution, but it does not affect intelligence”.
In which case how did the intelligence of humans evolve and increase?

His ideas have not been debunked by scholarly research, they have been deliberately suppressed by people who will not allow anyone to consider that certain ethnic groups are not as intelligent as others.
The Dutch may be the tallest people on earth but pygmies would be exactly the same with a better diet is the usual false theoretical structure.

I am vehemently against the idea of eugenics. I believe society as a whole would be better if eugenicists were suffocated at birth…

A recent area of scientific advance is in the field of paleo-genetics, for which Svante Paabo won the Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine in 2022. It is now accepted that all contemporary non-Africans have 1% to 2% Neanderthal Man DNA. Recent advances have shown that the newly discovered archaic hominid species Denisovan Man contributed .1% to .2% of the DNA of current East and South Asian populations, with a striking 6% of the genome of highland New Guinea populations and 5% of the genome of Australian Aboriginals being Denisovan!
Then in 2020 scientists at U. Cal. Berkeley examined the contemporary African genome using Paabo’s groundbreaking techniques, and discovered that fully 11% (on average) of the contemporary sub-Saharan African genome is derived from an as-yet-undiscovered archaic hominid species (1) that separated from the lineage that eventually led to Homo sapiens 635,000 years ago, (2) with which species Africans interbreeded 45,000 years ago (long after Eurasian Homo sapiens left Africa).
Check out Dr. Paabo’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech on YouTube! Upshot: the sub-Saharan African genome is 11% that of a primitive archaic hominid species. All of the above is undisputed, albeit it has been given the “Hunter’s laptop” treatment by the media, surprise surprise. Sorry, folks, but genetics is real.

All that is needed to refute his data are a few properly conducted studies which Do Not show the same pattern as thousands of previous studies which show racial differences in mean IQ. No one objects when these studies show that East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are, on average, more intelligent than other groups. The histrionics are over the dramatic differences between one race and all the others. If one allows oneself to think the unthinkable, that this difference is real, the underachievement and all the dysfunctions of that group become readily understandable, without need to invoke discrimination as the only possible explanation.

Certainly, but brain size does not seem to differ. Maybe it’s how the brain is used, or how the different structures interact, or… well we could be here with that debate for a long time!
Don’t let it pass you by that we are examining ourselves, an enquiry which is fraught with conceit, prejudice, wilful misinterpretation etc.
The fundamentals are always helpful. Does the physiology and behaviour promote survival?
The differences may be infinitesimally small and difficult to spot but hey, DNA has all the time in the world (I use that phrase with purpose) to help itself survive and the hosts, in many ways, may not be important at all.
Who is in charge here, DNA or the human species?
I know where I’d place my bet.

Thank you for your dedication to truth, Richard Lynn.  One fears that rarities such as you would never be granted a career today.

Is the Ukrainian counter-offensive for Bakhmut the counter-offensive for Ukraine?

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 18 May 2023 18:55.

Flanking action at Bakhmut
How the action began a few kilometres to the west of the town, with small groups of
Russian Army soldiers like this forced from cover.

It is several days ago now since we began to be informed of a successful flanking action by Ukrainian specialist forces to the south and west of Bakhmut.  Yevgeny Prigozhin railed at the regular soldiers who were, he said, “crumbling”, and was quick to claim that the defender’s long-awaited counter-offensive was “in full swing”.  Since then the action has continued, with steady and sometimes substantial gains for the Ukrainians while the Wagnerites and other PMCs together with VDV contingents inch forward in the town itself.

It is becoming clear that Bakhmut means something different to each side.  The Russian penchant for proclaiming victory in the form of completely capturing the town or cutting the Ukrainians’ “Road of Life” gesture more towards the spite and jealousy which exists between Progozhin and Sergei Shoigu and between Prigozhin and Valery Gerasimov than towards anything demonstrably true about Russian progress.  The field commanders are plainly responding to political as much as military goals.  Moscow demands a victory.  It’s been that way for many months, and perhaps there is not too much more to say about it.

During most of that time the line from Kiev has been that the town is not strategically important, and losing it does not hold wider meanings.  As long as the kill rate was favourable for the defenders they would stay and fight.  Once the cost rose too high, they would leave.  This is the policy which had held sway throughout the war, and was summed up in the simple formula that Russian leaders in wartime traditionally value territory above soldiers’ lives, but the Ukrainians do not have the luxury of numbers of soldiers they can throw away, and are quite content to trade territory for the lives of men who can fight another day.  But now we are not hearing that.  For the last six weeks Zelensky has been explaining that Bakhmut must be held, or the way is open to Kramatorsk and Sloviansk.  So why this change?

The Ukrainians have not employed the new Western equipment in their flanking action.  They are fighting with the usual Soviet-era equipment.  But they are pouring in their best people to the offensive, just as the best Russian units are invested in taking full control within the town.  This little, ruined place has become much more than a local hotspot.  With the Russians turning to defence almost everywhere else along the front, and the Ukrainians preparing and preparing all over again for their main counter-offensive, the war is narrowing down to what happens here, and the stakes for both sides are rising.  The Ukrainians are manifestly intending to encircle the Russians in the town, cut off their ammunition supply, and force a Russian turning action or a surrender.  If that comes to pass Russian morale will collapse everywhere, and the main Ukrainian counter-offensive will be massively advantaged.  The Ukrainians have four to six weeks to make it work.

Charles crowned king of anywhere

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 07 May 2023 00:05.

Charles, king of anywhere
The moment Charlie finally got everything his way, including “Queen” Camilla.

I have read none of the press articles and studiously avoided all the broadcasts on Charles’ coronation, including the coverage of the event itself.  It is of less interest to me than the birdsong in our garden or the gentle rain that fell for much of the day on its newly cut lawns.  These things gladden.  My wife tells me that, as has become traditional at the coronation of British monarchs, they sang Hubert Parry’s “I was glad” in Westminster Abbey.  But what, to me, is the accession of this self-absorbed man, the very model of the paternalistic liberal and a climate alarmist and diversitoid to boot, to the British throne?  As an institution in Time, hereditary monarchy testifies - or should still testify - to the nation’s dignity and standing, and should function as a focal point for the people’s identity.  Does Charles have any thought whatever for the English people?  The non-whites colonising us obviously pre-occupy him.  The Welsh and Scots perhaps also, in some antique way.  But the English?  I see no sign that he even knows who we are, or wants to know.  Our name is becoming unsayable.

It can at least be said of his mother Elizabeth that she rigorously avoided all public entanglement with politics.  Not for one moment will the new monarch be able to replicate that.  I foresee inevitable damage to the reputation of the monarchy, and a steady if not spectacular detachment of the British Establishment’s messaging about the British nation from our own sense of identity and relation.

Now that would be worth a bit of attention.

Lavrov: today the Kinburn Spit, tomorrow the (New) World (Order)

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 07 April 2023 11:04.

A residential apartment block in Dnipro hit by a Russian missile on 14th January 2023

This morning the DT’s live Ukraine feed carried a brief report of comments by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s, revealing the Kremlin’s real interest in peace talks with Ukraine, ie, it doesn’t have any.  The war is for empire and geopolitics, not for ethnic Russians in Ukraine (or in Russia).  The Kremlin’s interest is that the United States “negotiates” giving up of its status as global hegemon in exchange for Putin making nice with Zelensky for five minutes.  Lavrov actually means that American maintenance of the rules-based international order has to be ended so Russia can upgrade its non-rules-based, eurasionist model of imperial power to a global level.

I would remind readers that the Kremlin power elites define multipolarity as a collection of economic blocs, each led by a dominant power.  The model allows the Kremlin to piggy-back (with “no limits”) off the China’s inevitably global hegemony - as close as it can get to hegemon itself.

Here is the report:

Any Ukraine peace talks should be about ‘new world order’

Moscow wants any Ukraine peace talks to focus on creating a “new world order”, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on a visit to Turkey on Friday.

He also threatened to abandon a landmark grain deal, which Turkey helped broker, if obstacles to Russian exports remain.

“Any negotiation needs to be based on taking into account Russian interests, Russian concerns,” Lavrov said.

“It should be about the principles on which the new world order will be based.”

He added that Russia rejects a “unipolar world order led by ‘one hegemon’”.

The Dutch voter giveth, the Dutch voter taketh away

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 18 March 2023 11:30.

Dutch farm protests
Road-blocks as party-political publicity

Is the antithesis of globalism’s totalistic vision of Man really only reaction to specific aspects of the globalist programme?  Can the latter ever be enough?

This is the question which lies ahead if and when that reaction gains momentum across the West (or, most likely, in those parts of it which employ some form of electoral proportional representation).  It is the question on which the future of nationalism and of the West would then depend.  But for now, in the wake of the Farmer-Citizen movement [BoerBurgerBeweging or BBB] showing in last Wednesday’s election to the Dutch Senate, the answer is the usual: anything’s better than nothing.  Just be grateful for what few scraps fall from history’s table, it says.

Put most directly, the BBB’s scraps testify to a deep-rooted and emerging conflict between the shameless careerists of the Dutch political machine and the traditionalist spirit of rural Holland.  Electorally, that conflict is pitting the urban liberal elites and the strangulated postmoderns who are the victims of green propaganda against hitherto betrayed and voiceless conservatives.  It sounds revolutionary, but civic nationalist populism is never that.

As of this moment, the external mainstream media have yet to explain that the people over whom the elite’s environmentalism and progressivism ride still retain the power to vote. The BBC reported the election with scarcely a word about the underlying cause:

A farmers’ party has stunned Dutch politics, and is set to be the biggest party in the upper house of parliament after provincial elections.

The Farmer-Citizen movement was only set up in 2019 in the wake of widespread farmers’ protests.

But with most votes counted they are due to win 15 of the Senate’s seats with almost 20% of the vote.

“This isn’t normal, but actually it is! It’s all normal citizens who voted,” said leader Caroline van der Plas.

The BBB aims to fight government plans to slash nitrogen emissions harmful to biodiversity by dramatically reducing livestock numbers and buying out thousands of farms.

But its appeal has spread rapidly beyond its rural heartland, on a populist platform that represents traditional, conservative Dutch social and moral values.

Shocked by the scale of their success, Ms van der Plas told supporters that voters normally stayed at home if they lost faith in politics: “But today people have shown they can’t stay at home any longer. We won’t be ignored any more.”

A left-wing Green-Labour alliance is also on course to win 15 Senate seats, while Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s four-party coalition is poised to fall back to 24 - down eight seats.

Turnout in Wednesday’s vote, estimated at 57.5%, was the highest for years.

For nationalists the election was double-edged.  Nowhere in the West can nationalism both speak its own truths and trim to accommodate mainstream sensibilities.  Where it gains something by the latter it seems destined to lose it when a civic nationalist party comes along.

Accordingly, the growth in BBB’s vote-share has came at a cost to Thierry Baudet’s divided and weakened Forum for Democracy (FvD), which won nearly 15% of the vote in 2019 provincial elections, but collapsed to 3% this time.  The concern, therefore, is that BBB is not expanding into the conservative vote-share as much as it might seem, but hoovering up the votes of the existing dissenters on the basis of another “new way forward”.  Certainly, BBB did not just focus on Mark Rutte’s environmental extremism in the wake of the farmers protests.  It presented itself as a dog-whistle right-wing populist party which was somewhat critical of the EU, likewise critical of immigration, and in favour of banning burkas for Muslims.

In any case, the Re-Set is real and oncoming.  In Holland and, via Reform, in the UK civic nationalism seems set to carry the dissenter’s torch.  One way or another the question of its sufficiency will be answered.

British Treasury and Bank of England manoeuvre towards CBDC

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 04 February 2023 22:44.

... but, of course, it’s all just a consultation process with absolutely no set agenda.  Nothing to do with Davos, no no.  Perfectly sensible, really, when cash use is falling (actually it’s rising) and when the economy is digitising (even if Sterling fully meets that requirement already).  And, of course, expectations that the new currency will be, y’know, programmable are just conspiracy theories.  Naturally.  I mean, who would think that any freedom-loving, not at all totalitarian and globalist Western government could ever contemplate, oh, say freezing peoples’ bank accounts?


Here is the meat of the DT’s characteristically anodyne article:

‘Digital pound’ possible by 2030 in bid to combat falling use of cash
State-backed virtual currency ‘likely’ as Bank of England and Treasury back ‘Britcoin’ project

The Bank of England and Treasury will next week throw their weight behind a “digital pound” as they set out a roadmap to introduce a new central bank currency by 2030.

Andrew Bailey and Jeremy Hunt are expected to say it is “likely” that a new form of money will be needed as cash use continues to decline in an increasingly digital economy.

It is understood that any new state-backed digital currency – which has been dubbed “Britcoin” in the press - would sit alongside cash. However, the plans are likely to fuel fears that physical currency could one day be phased out altogether.

The decision by Mr Hunt and Mr Bailey to throw their weight behind the project comes almost two years after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak set up a taskforce as Chancellor to explore whether to create a so-called central bank digital currency (CBDC).

“On the basis of our work to date, the Bank of England and HM Treasury judge that it is likely a digital pound will be needed in the future,” the Bank of England Governor and current Chancellor say in extracts of a consultation paper seen by The Telegraph.

“It is too early to commit to build the infrastructure for one, but we are convinced that further preparatory work is justified,” Mr Hunt and Mr Bailey will say ...

The Bank and Treasury will launch a four-month consultation in which businesses, academics and the wider public will be invited to share their views on the launch of a digital pound ...

Officials have identified 2025 as “the earliest” date the Bank could start building and testing a currency prototype. No decision on whether to go ahead with a CBDC is expected until then. The Bank has previously said that the earliest date for launch of a UK CBDC was “the second half of the decade”.

Other countries are already trialling national digital currencies, with China an early trailblazer. Trials of the digital renminbi first began in 2021.

Will it transpire that the British public - the real one, ethnically - will stand and fight government for its money and economic freedom, and for its ancient civil rights in a way it has signally failed to do for its own life and land?  Could be.

At Davos the Chinese change strategy

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 17 January 2023 23:20.

Davos forum 2023

The following quotes are from an interesting (paywalled) article at the Telegraph, and speak to the impact of Putin’s failure in Ukraine and the resurgence of Western confidence.

China has extended the olive branch to Western democracies and global capitalists alike, promising a new era of detente after the coercive “wolf warrior” diplomacy of the last five years.

Vice-premier Liu He, the economic plenipotentiary of Xi Jinping’s China, told a gathering of business leaders and ministers in Davos that China is back inside the tent and eager to restore the money-making bonhomie of the golden years. 

“We must let the market play the fundamental role in the allocation of resources, and let the government play a better role. Some people say China will go for the planned economy. That’s by no means possible,” he said.

“All-round opening-up is the basis of state policy and the key driver of economic progress. China’s national reality dictates that opening up to the world is a must, not an expediency. We must open up wider and make it work better,” he told the World Economic Forum ...

It is a subtle way of telling the world that the neo-Maoist fever of Xi Jinping’s second term has subsided since the 20th Party Congress in October. Xi’s third term is going to be a giant pivot back to international harmony.

China is calling off its ruinous assault on technology companies – the country’s most dynamic entrepreneurs, but also the regime’s most powerful political foes ...

Vice-premier Liu He’s conciliatory pitch is also a signal that China will return to its longstanding position as a stakeholder of the existing Davosian global order rather than a revisionist power determined to overthrow it.

“We need to uphold an effective international economic order. We have to abandon the cold war mentality,” he said, pledging a push for “economic re-globalisation”. There was not a whiff of criticism of the US or the West. No speech of this kind has been delivered by a top Chinese leader for years ...

It goes well beyond the first signs of a tentative thaw at a US-China summit late last year, suggesting that China’s 20th Party Congress marked a watershed moment in Chinese strategic thinking. Whether it is authentic or tactical remains to be seen.

In a sense, the new policy is a recognition by the Communist Party that the democracies are not as weak as they looked a year or two ago. The West still controls the machinery of global finance, technology transfer, and maritime trade. The war in Ukraine has revealed that it can be remarkably unified and has a backbone of steel when seriously provoked.

Xi’s profession of friendship “without limits” for Vladimir Putin is surely an embarrassment he would rather forget – though there are some advantages for Beijing in a dependent Russia with nowhere else to turn. Russia’s military has been exposed as a paper tiger. Its value as an ally is enormously degraded.

Above all, Xi Jinping discovered that the US controls the global supply of advanced semiconductor chips, the primary fuel of the 21st century technological economy.

Without that you are nothing. China’s repeated efforts to close the chip gap have all faltered, and the latest has just been abandoned due to prohibitive costs ...

Deng Xiaoping long pursued a policy of “bide your time and hide your strength”. When Xi Jinping abandoned this restraint and switched suddenly to a posture of impatient menace he revealed what China might be like as the global hegemon.

This reached its apotheosis in pandemic triumphalism. It was not an attractive spectacle. Switching back even more suddenly to global happy talk will be a hard sell.

As to the Western feeling about Xi’s “impatience”, compare the above with the following boilerplate from the Daily Mail, published on 19th October last year:

Get ready for China ‘on steroids’: Xi Jinping will complete his totalitarian spy-state, take on the US and aim to break Western world order if he is given historic third term as leader, experts predict
● Xi Jinping set to become Chinese leader for third term this week, the first since Mao to rule for so long.
● Experts predict he will use term to complete ‘totalitarian’ spy-state using technology to repress all opposition.
● Xi will also take aggressive stance with the West and try to put China on equal footing with the US, they added.
● Ultimate aim is to break Western world order and establish another system with China at the centre, they said.

My immediate take on the change of strategy?  This pivot is almost certainly the result of Putin’s big gambit in Ukraine and the surprise of the West’s unified response to it, allied to the (for Beijing) straitening success of the Western economies in surviving Putin’s energy war.  Since the party’s 20th conference last October, when the threat to Taiwan was at its height, there appears to have been a decision that Putin has failed and there are costs to forging ahead with that “unlimited friendship” which a pragmatic Chinese leadership is unwilling to pay.  Probably at this time.  Probably because formal international support elsewhere for Putin is limited to Iran, North Korea and some fly-blown African place.  Support for Glazyev’s dollar reserve replacement is strong across the southern hemisphere, and probably now includes Lula’s Brazil in addition to Saudi.  But then the Western elites are not at all hostile to it, either.  Quite the contrary.  So Beijing is returning to geo-economics, because it is a stronger suite to play.  I don’t think that the Middle Kingdom goal has or will be dropped.  But the Chinese are good at patience.

Mission creep takes a hit at the Fed

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 11 January 2023 00:39.

Next week, as Breitbart has reminded us, the global movers and shakers will gather at Davos for the 53rd annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.  One quite expects that green virtues will be signalled as never before.  But what was not expected was a very firm contrary statement yesterday from US Federal Reserve chairman, Jerome Powell:

Central banks risk undermining independence by wading into social issues and seeking to tackle climate change, the head of the US Federal Reserve has warned.

Jerome Powell said it was essential that institutions “resist the temptation” to wade into “social issues” that go beyond their remit.

... Mr Powell singled out climate change as an “inappropriate” topic for unelected central bankers to address.

He told the audience in Stockholm: “We should stick to our knitting and not wander off to pursue perceived social benefits that are not tightly linked to our statutory goals.

“We [Federal Reserve] are not and we will not be a climate policymaker.

“Taking on new goals, however worthy, without a clear statutory mandated would undermine the case for our independence.”

Powell is a registered Republican, appointed in 2018 by Donald Trump.  But it is difficult to see Powell’s statement as motivated by anything but the strict fiduciary duty of a financial servant of the American people, and difficult to see strict fiduciary duty as in any way consonant with the new global order which the Washington Establishment and, indeed, the entire Western Establishment is striving to bring into being.  I would like to be able to link this new regard for staying on the financial reservation to the defence of Western national interests which informs support for Ukraine.  But I can’t see the link, and Western national interests are absolutely not on the globalist play-list.

So, a simple question: why is Powell moving away from the Davos agenda?

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Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Fri, 10 Jan 2025 09:30. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Charles crowned king of anywhere' on Thu, 09 Jan 2025 20:31. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Wed, 08 Jan 2025 16:33. (View)

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Manc commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 19:01. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 03:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:08. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:04. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:24. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Mon, 30 Dec 2024 22:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Wed, 25 Dec 2024 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sun, 22 Dec 2024 01:03. (View)

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